Best Prepper First Aid Kit (Top 5): Be Ready For Anything

best prepper first aid kit


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Don’t be offended – but here’s the truth.

You’re not a real prepper unless you’ve got a first aid kit on hand! And if you’re in the market for one – congratulations, you’re heading in the right direction.

Adelphi University conducted a poll and found that 44% of participants didn’t have a first aid kit [1]. And I bet most of the other 56% possessed subpar first aid kits.

That’s why I’ve created this article.

I’m not going to list out a bunch of garbage products. But rather provide you with a list of premium medical kits. Each product is compared based on durability, size, and equipment quality.

I’ve also considered a range of different prepping scenarios with these picks.

To save you the hassle of reading the full article, my top pick is the Medic Pro First Aid Kit. This first aid kit is in a league of its own. Packed with over 550 world-class medical supplies, it can treat just about any injury.

However, it’s not what you’d consider ‘budget-friendly’.

So keep reading to discover some alternatives…

5 Best First Aid Kits For A Prepper In 2022

1.Medic Pro First Aid Kit (Best Overall)

Medic First Aid Kit

Medic Pro First Aid Kit

Looking for the most comprehensive kit in the world? Here it is – the Medic Pro First Aid Kit!

Preppers often ask themselves, “Is there a first aid kit that can handle any emergency situation?”

The answer is yes.

The Medic is a comprehensive medical kit that can treat almost all injuries. It even includes 3 tourniquets – 2 rapid and one CAT. Other products on this list only include rapid tourniquets, giving this one a huge advantage.

Shoulder straps mean it can be used as a backpack, helping preserve energy for longer.

Plus, it can treat more than 10 people, which is essential when faced with disaster situations involving groups of people, such as earthquakes or hurricanes.

What’s more, it includes a monitor to track your heart rate and blood pressure – a true lifesaver in any medical emergency situation. 

This thing is like a mini-hospital on your back!

And if that wasn’t enough…

It has 2 water bottles if you find yourself stranded in the desert or another hot climate.

However, I did find 2 slight downsides.

It’s the most expensive kit on the market. But you can be sure you’re getting one of the best first aid kits in the world – literally!

Also, the bulkier design means it’s difficult to store and transport.

What I Like...

  • One of the most comprehensive medical kits available
  • Backpack design makes it easy to carry
  • It can treat more than 10 people
  • Includes 3 tourniquets – 2 rapid and one CAT

What I Don't Like...

  • Expensive
  • Bulky design

2.Solo First Aid Kit (Best Budget)

solo first aid kit

Solo First Aid Kit

We can’t always afford the best of the best, and that’s fine. The Solo kit has a decent amount of supplies, while being budget-friendly!

The Solo First Aid Kit will not cost an arm and a leg. However, it still has a decent amount of medical supplies to treat one person. Hence the word ‘solo’.

It includes sunscreen, lip balm, and blister tape. That’s why I recommend it for hotter climates, such as deserts.

What’s more, If you find yourself trapped with no means of escape, you can use the whistle to attract attention.

In addition. the compact design makes it perfect for your backpack or purse–leaving more room for other items in case you need them.

It also comes with skin glue. For some reason, skin glue is hard to come by in first aid kits.

Finally, the outer bag is well-made, so that it will be there when you need it most!

Unfortunately, I did find some cons…

It does not include a tourniquet or chest seal. However, there is space to add these items if you prefer.

If a tourniquet and chest seal is non-negotiable for you, feel free to upgrade to the pro version.

What I Like...

  • Important equipment for one person.
  • Best for dryer climates
  • Small and compact
  • Includes skin glue

What I Don't Like...

  • No tourniquet
  • Doesn’t have a chest seal

Similar Product: HomeStockPlus First Aid Kit

3.TFAK Pro (Best Trauma Kit)

TFAK First Aid Kit


Preppers need to be ready for all types of injuries. The TFAK Pro is your go-to kit for more severe emergencies.

If you’re looking for an excellent first aid kit, the TFAK Pro might be precisely what you need. 

This is not your average run-of-the-mill prepper kit. All the emergency supplies are hand-picked by firearm and medical experts, so no need to worry about quality issues here!

It features easy-to-access equipment for when you’re in a hurry.

And the best part?  Attach it to any backpack for quick storage! 

Alternatively, put it in your backpack while saving space. After all, it’s not much bigger than your hand!

If you live near an area with high crime or riots, this would make an excellent investment because of its ability to treat blood loss.

Plus, it comes in a variety of bright color options. While you may not think this matters for survival, it makes locating it in an emergency a breeze.

For downsides, it lacks the equipment to deal with fractures. It also does not come with a CAT tourniquet, only a rapid one.

What I like...

  • Great for blood loss (Gun Shot Wounds)
  • Attach it to your backpack
  • Compact design saves space
  • World-class quality

What I Don't Like...

  • Doesn’t have a CAT tourniquet, only a rapid one.
  • Can’t treat fractures

Similar Product: MediTac IFAK Molle

4.Uncharted Supply Co First Aid Plus (Best Waterproof)

first aid plus

Uncharted Supply Co First Aid Plus

Are you preparing for an emergency involving water? The First Aid Plus is essential in such circumstances.

Uncharted Supply Co. has made high-quality products for all types of emergencies, from natural disasters to minor accidents.

However, the Uncharted First Aid Plus kit is the best for preppers.

It’s 100% waterproof and ready for any emergency you may encounter.

As well as first aid supplies, it also includes essential survival equipment: stormproof matches, a flashlight, multi-tool, a first aid booklet, and more.

Plus, you get a triangular bandage for fractures and sprains. 

Activities around water can sometimes lead to slips, causing breakages. Therefore, a triangular bandage is excellent to have!

You also get an emergency blanket to stay warm if stranded in cold or wet conditions.

And the icing on the cake?

You can pay in instalments!

So are there any downsides? Unfortunately, there are some…

It doesn’t include a tourniquet, which is vital for many emergencies. Also, the black color isn’t the most eye-catching in an emergency situation.

What I Like...

  • Waterproof
  • Includes survival equipment
  • Treats fractures
  • Reputable company

What I Don't Like...

  • Black color
  • No tourniquet

5.Swiss Safe Survival First Aid Kit (Not Recommended)

Swiss Safe Survival First Aid Kit

I like the compact design. However, it doesn’t have enough supplies for when diaster strikes.

If you’re preparing for natural disasters, riots, wildfires, or any other scenario – stay away from this medical kit.

Don’t get me wrong…

The compact design is great. And the bright red color makes it easy to locate in an emergency.

However, there are some significant drawbacks.

For starters, it barely has enough equipment to treat minor injuries, let alone serious ones! And if you’re prepping, you have to be ready for the worst, right!?

In addition, some of the items are cheaply made. In fact, customers were complaining that the bandaids would fall off immediately.

No bueno.

And to top it off, there is barely any space to add additional equipment. So, stay away from this one if you’re looking for something you can count on during an emergency.

What I Like...

  • Compact
  • Easy to locate because of eye-catching color

What I Don't Like...

  • Doesn’t treat serious injuries
  • Better suited for minor injuries on small children
  • No space for additional items
  • Cheaply-made medical equipment

Choosing The Best First Aid Kit For Preppers: A Blueprint

Type Of Prepping

First aid kits come in all shapes and sizes – from medical-grade ones to budget-friendly options

With the wide selection, choosing can be a challenging task! 

But here is the key…

The prepping you do will dictate the emergency survival kit you need.

If you’re prepping for medical emergencies, such as gunshot wounds, then you want to make sure your first aid kit includes equipment needed for blood loss.

For minor injuries such as burns and cuts, your first aid kit must contain bandages and other basic items.

On the flip side, people prepping for natural disasters such as tsunamis should get something waterproof – preferably a trauma kit.

Compact Design

A compact first aid kit is vital for several reasons. For one, it’s easy to store and doesn’t take up much space. 

Also, if you find yourself running from dangers, you don’t want to be dragging around a large first aid kit.

With that being said, if you want a comprehensive first aid kit – you have to give up some size.

So if you do choose something a little bulkier, keep it in a secure location, such as your car, rather than on your person. However, make sure it’s nearby at all times! Alternatively, carry your smaller kit whole the bigger one stays in the car.


The quality of the equipment in your survival medical kit directly affects how well you’re able to treat an injury. 

For instance, if you have cheap and ripped bandages, how do you expect to cover a severe wound?

Small things like this can lead to major complications. Remember, all your first aid equipment is important, not just the trauma items!

Final Words

Choosing a first aid survival kit for preppers is difficult. The reason? Everybody is preparing for a different scenario, right?

Therefore, one man’s treasure is another man’s trash, as they say. The key is getting one that suits ‘your’ needs.

With that being said, you can’t go wrong with the Medic First Aid Kit. It can treat just about any injury and is designed by industry experts.

Continue Reading: Best First Aid Kits For Bug Out Bag