5 Best First Aid Kits For Bug Out Bag: Reviewed By A Prepper

best first aid kits for bug out bag


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Have you ever known somebody who put sentimental items in a bug-out bag?

I have!*Adkward Pause*

Dare I say that some people are confused about the purpose of a bug-out bag. Nonetheless, one thing you should keep in there is a first aid kit.

And a high-quality one at that!

The 5 bug-out bag first aid kits below have been reviewed based on size, weight, supplies, and more.

But I understand some of you haven’t got time to read the entire article. After all, time is money, right!?

For all you busy folks, my top pick is the MyFAK Pro. It’s compact, lightweight, and can treat severe injuries.

Keep reading to discover my other 4 picks…

Best First Aid Kit For Bug Out Bag: The Top 5

1.My Medic MyFAK Pro First Aid Kit (Best Overall)

MYFAK First Aid Kit

MyFAK Pro First Aid Kit

The MYFAK Pro is both compact and expertly stocked, making it the top choice for a bug out bag.

Everybody has an individual first aid kit they prefer…

For me, it’s the MyFAK Pro. Oh, and it’s an excellent choice for your bug-out bag. 

It comes with everything you need to handle minor injuries and more severe ones, too, so you’ll be prepared for anything!

This kit is compact, so you don’t have to worry about it taking up too much space in your bug-out bag. After all, you need as much room as possible when living on the road!

Alternatively, it can be attached to the outside of your bug-out bag using the molle straps. This provides even more room inside.

Plus, its exceptional durability makes it stand out from other first aid kits on the market today.

And that’s just the bag itself…

The supplies inside are handpicked by experts, ensuring only high-quality equipment goes into this kit.

However, one downside is that it’s not water-resistant.

Also, it can only be used to help five people. Although, if you’re traveling with more people, somebody else is bound to have a first aid kit. Therefore, I wouldn’t worry about this too much!

What I Like...

  • Treats both minor and more severe injuries
  • Compact design makes sure it fits in your bug-out bag
  • Attach it to the outside of your bug-out bag
  • First aid supplies handpicked by experts

What I Don't Like...

  • Only treats up to 5 people (Not best for larger groups)
  • It’s not water-resistant

Similar Product: Carlebben EMT Pouch

2.Recon Pro First Aid Kit (Most Versatile)

recon first aid kit

Recon Pro First Aid Kit

Can treat a range of injuries – both minor and more serious. This makes it an excellent choice for bug out bags.

This kit holds up exceptionally well and can be used like a backpack. 

This is a new feature that has been added to the latest version. Previously, this medical kit didn’t have shoulder straps.


The multiple color options provide excellent variety. In addition, all contents are labelled, making them easier to find during emergency situations.

What’s more, it’s designed by professionals who know what qualities to look for in a first aid kit. It also includes supplies to treat blood loss, burns, fractures, and more.

All the supplies are stored in mesh compartments to quickly locate them during an emergency.

Furthermore, this first aid kit won’t let you down if you find yourself in a hot and dirty environment.

It also features a rapid tourniquet, which can be hard to come by with some first aid kits. However, I would have preferred to see a CAT tourniquet rather than a rapid one.

So are there any downsides you should be aware of!?

Well…it’s a little bulkier than some of the other kits on this list. That means it’s going to take up a little extra room in your bug-out bag.

What I Like...

  • Doesn’t deteriorate in hot and dirty environments 
  • Choose from multiple colors
  • Easy to access medical supplies
  • Designed by first responders

What I Don't Like...

  • Takes up more space in your bug out bag than other kits
  • Has a rapid tourniquet, rather than a CAT

3.My Medic TFAK (Most Compact)

TFAK First Aid Kit

My Medic TFAK

If you end up using a bug out bag, it’s probably an emergency. Therefore, it’s important to have trauma equipment on hand.

This is a great trauma kit for a bug-out bag. It contains all of the necessary medical supplies to treat severe injuries and even comes with a whistle. 

This can be used to alert people if you’re injured.

It’s also small enough to be attached to your belt, providing easy access in an emergency situation. What’s more, if you work as a first responder, you can receive a 25% discount!

But wait – it gets better.

There is additional space to add medications. Plus, the lightweight design (20oz) prevents your bug-out bag from becoming too heavy.

However, as with every product, there are some downsides…

It doesn’t include any equipment to treat fractures and sprains.

So, if you’re in a situation where you need to treat fractures, the Recon Pro First Aid Kit would be a better option.

In addition, there’s not enough room to add larger medical supplies.

What I like...

  • Designed to treat serious injuries
  • Space to add your medication
  • First responders get a 25% discount
  • Includes a whistle

What I Don't Like...

  • Can’t treat fractures and sprains
  • There is not enough room to add medical supplies.

Similar Product: Surviveware Trauma Kit

4. Prevention First Aid Kit (Most Durable)

prevention first aid kit

Prevention First Aid Kit

Durable, waterproof, color-coded equipment – what more could you want in a first aid kit?

The prevention first aid kit is not only durable but also waterproof. This kit will keep up no matter what environment you find yourself in.

All items are color-coded and come with labels for untrained people. However, this also ensures everything is easy to locate for medical experts as well.

Next to each compartment are small labels highlighting what each medical supple is designed for.

It also includes many medications, including Didmode, Diphen, Aspirin, and more. 

It doesn’t take up too much space, making it perfect for when you have limited space in your bug-out bag.

What’s more, there is a handle built into the top, so you can carry around your supplies relatively easily!

And guess what.

It has a tourniquet to stop blood loss!

However, here are the downsides…

It doesn’t have molle straps, so you can’t attach it to your backpack or other personal belongings. Another downside is that there are only two color options available.

What I Like...

  • Designed with durability in mind
  • It includes a wide range of medications
  • 100% waterproof
  • Small built-in handle

What I Don't Like...

  • Doesn’t have molle straps
  • Only 2 color options

5.Uncharted Supply Co. Triage Kit (Not Recommended)

triage first aid kit

Uncharted Supply Co. Triage Kit

A great first aid kit for general use. However, it’s lacking in trauma equipment for a bug out bag.

Before I talk about the pros and cons of the Triage kit, I’d first like to point something out…

This first aid kit is of excellent quality. It also works great, and I think it’s a worthwhile investment.

So I’m not knocking it in any way. In fact, I’ve recommended it in many of my other articles!

However, I wouldn’t recommend it for a bug-out bag.

While it contains most equipment, it doesn’t include everything you need to survive for long periods. Plus, it can’t treat more severe injuries.

There is room to add additional supplies, but only small things like medication.

I would purchase this first aid kit to add to my main kit. After all, it’s compact and doesn’t take up too much room.

But as a primary first aid kit for a bug-out bag? No chance!

What I Like...

  • Compact design saves space
  • A small amount of room to add more supplies

What I Don't Like...

  • Doesn’t include equipment for more severe injuries
  • Works better as a secondary first aid kit for your bug out bag
  • No molle straps

What Makes A Good Bug Out Bag First Aid Kit...

Compact Design

A compact design is essential for two reasons:

  1. It doesn’t take up too much room in a bug-out bag. This is important because you want to have as much room for other essential supplies.
  2. It’s easy to carry around. This is especially important if you need to evacuate quickly.


You want your first aid kit to be lightweight because it’s easier to transport. 

This becomes more important when you need to evacuate quickly due to a natural disaster or something similar.

The last thing you need is to be dragging around a heavy bug-out bag. This doesn’t just apply to your first aid kit, either. 

Everything in your bug-out kit should be lightweight. Because the faster you can escape, the safer you will be!

Treatable Injuries

first aid practice on woman

Here’s what some people don’t consider…

If you have to use a bug-out bag, things just got serious! That means there’s a possibility you’re going to run into a serious injury at some point.

Think tsunami, motorcycle accident, war, etc.

That’s why I believe it’s essential to get a medical kit covering severe injuries. 

That’s not to say it shouldn’t be able to treat minor injuries. Ideally, you want something that can treat both right!?

With that being said, I recommend getting one that can help with blood loss, chest injuries, and burns.

High-Quality Equipment

The supplies in your first aid kit need to be high-quality because you want to ensure that they will work well and serve their purpose. 

If you settle for less, you’re putting yourself and those around you at risk.

But how do you know whether the equipment inside is high-quality?

My advice is to stick with well-known brands. However, you can also check if the supplies are chosen by industry experts.

For example, all the first aid kits in this article are stocked by medical experts, survivalists, and first responders.

These people know the importance of high-quality equipment.

Waterproof (Optional)

While not all first aid kits come with this feature, it’s something to consider if you live in an area that’s prone to natural disasters.

If a hurricane, tornado, or flood hits your area, then you’re going to want a kit that can keep your supplies safe and dry.

Alternatively, waterproof first aid kits are great for boating.

Molle Straps (Optional)

The main benefit of having a first aid kit with molle straps is that it can be attached to a bug-out bag.

This feature is not essential. However, it’s great to have as you can save vital space.

Final Words

For bug-out bags, some people say it’s better to design your own first aid kit. However, there’s only one thing that matters.

And that’s making sure it has everything you need to survive when s**t hits the fan, right!?

As long as you choose something that’s compact, lightweight, and can treat all types of injuries – you can’t go wrong.